Organic and Environmentally friendly clothing is the smart alternative to processed manufactured fabric and clothing. In today's society where entire continents are shifting and our earth is slowly becoming more and more polluted with toxic gases, people are beginning to step forward and make a change. Going "Green" has become very much in Vogue these days. You are more likely to see a person wearing a T-shirt that says "Green is the new Black" or "Be Smart Plant a Tree." In any sense the marketing and production of Organic clothing has since gone up and there are more and more lines such as, EcoGear, who's slogan is "The Most Eco Friendly Clothing in The World." With a growing consumer consciousness of our heavy impact on nature, there has been a growing demand for clothing that uses recycled fibers, EcoGear does just that. The clothing industry seems to be put on the back burner for the most part and most of the conservationists are looking more at climate change, pollution, water, wildlife, and farming. While all those areas are equally important we have to realize that if we really want to make a change then we need to attack one of the most important areas of all, the fashion industry.

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